"Aadhaar card exposed" If you come to know that anyone can buy all of your information by paying only Rs500/- How will you fill? A similar kind of scam related to Aadhaar card is taking place currently in our country which has been exposed by the newspaper "TRIBUNE" Aadhar card Disaster 10th January,2018-UIDAI(Unique Identification Authority Of India),this is an authority controlled by the government of India which is responsible for all the matters related to Aadhaar card. There was a lot of problems related to Aadhaar card.For example-Fingerprint of an individual was not matching and the data stored under a individuals name was not correct. In the state of Rajasthan,there are almost 1/3 failure of fingerprint authentication. In order to solve this problems,the authority decided to appoint village level entrepreneurs and these entrepreneurs will be sent from door to door in their respective village to check whether the authentication submit...
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