WHAT IS HOT AIR OVEN? Hot air oven Hot air oven is based on the principle where sterilization is accomplished by dry heat or hot hot air.Dry heat of a given temperature is not nearly as effected as sterilization process in the oven is no longer then autoclaving.It is because sterilization by heat is primarily a process of coagulation of protein and for proteins coagulation to occure essily sufficient moisture must be present.Dry heat removes water from microbes.While moist heat add water to them.In addition,moist heat has greater penetration power than dry heat. Hot air ovens are mostly used for sterilization of glassware like petridish,test tubes,pipettes,metal's instruments.That can tolerate prolonged heat exposure oils,powder and other articles that are spoiled or not effectively sterilized by the moist heat of the autoclave sterilization is accomplished by the exposure at items to 150-180°c for 2-4 hours.An oven consists of an insulated cabinet which is held at a...
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